June 2021 Newsletter
In preparation for the reopening of the Qualicum Beach Museum our staff have prepared this plan in accordance with the advice of the public health authority. This plan is designed to ensure the safety of both the employees and visitors and to contribute to British Columbia’s continued efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
1. Accessibility:
a. Ensure that all protocols and procedures are accessible for visitors, staff and volunteers that may have varying abilities.
2. Assessment of Workplace Risks and Management of All Staff and Volunteers
a. Identify where people gather – this is unfortunately the office and clear notice on the door will notify everyone:
i. “Please knock and wait until manager/administrator responds before opening the door and entering the office.”
b. Identify where workers are close to one another – once again the office.
i. We will determine clear, separate workspaces for each employee, including summer students in order to adhere to physical distancing. These are:
1. Museum office
2. Front desk/ gift shop area
3. Collections area (Annex)
4. Archives area (Annex) – 2 work stations could be setup in this space.
ii. Staff will also wipe down shared spaces including the washrooms after use
c. Identify the tools, machinery, equipment that workers share and regularly clean and disinfect. This includes:
i. Cash register
ii. Donation box
iii. POS machine
iv. All the cleaning tools such as brooms, dustpans, and more.
v. Computers including the new reception desk tablet – we can of course clearly indicate and assign computers for each employee although the main computer in the office has to be turned on in order for everyone to access the main files from secondary computers.
vi. Printers, both in the Museum office and the Archives.
vii. Garbage cans in all areas, especially bathrooms – we will implement new “touch less” ones particularly in washrooms.
d. All volunteers and staff will “self-screen” for symptoms of cold, flu or COVID-19 before coming to work, A helpful tool for self-assessment can be found at: https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en
i. Anyone who has arrived from outside of Canada or who has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case must self-isolate for 14 days and monitor for symptoms.
ii. Anyone who has cold, flu, or Covid-19 symptoms including any coughing or sneezing will not come into the workplace.
3. Visitor Capacity and Social Distancing Management:
a. Visitors and staff must self-screen for any symptoms of cold, flu or COVID-19 before arrival at the museum. A tool for self-screening symptoms can be found at: https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en
b. Museum staff will track the number of people in the building with a capacity limit of: 10
c. Signage indicating COVID-19 physical distancing protocols will be posted throughout the museum. This includes:
i. Maximum visitor capacity (10) posted on front door
ii. “Please maintain social distancing at all times throughout the museum” signage
Have several of these signs throughout the MacIntosh – it’s even brick coloured!
* Especially in both theatre spaces and FN exhibit.
iii. “Entrance / Exit” – will be placed by the front and back doors if so decided.
iv. At the base and top of the staircase sign that reads: “Please ensure one person on the staircase at all times”
d. Visitors and staff will be given information regarding physical distancing protocols within the museum and wayfinding markings are posted in exhibit spaces upstairs
e. Entry into exhibit spaces upstairs is regulated in order to prevent congestion
f. Plexi glass shields are installed at the entrance by the gift shop to protect staff and visitors
4. Health and Safety Measures:
a. Non-medical masks covering the nose and mouth are recommended for all visitors and staff
b. Hand sanitizer is available for visitor and staff use at the front of the museum by the entrance on the “brick wall” as well as in other visible locations within the building including:
i. By the entrance of GB Theatre on small wall
ii. Upstairs by the button for “Pentlatch Moons”
iii. Oral History Theatre by the push buttons for the videos.
c. Hygiene cleaning, and disinfection:
i. Regular cleaning of exhibit spaces and any “hands-on” elements within these spaces
ii. ***Washrooms will be closed to the public; staff and volunteers will wipe down washrooms after use
iii. Clean electronic devices (terminals, POS, etc.) after each use at the front desk and the gift shop.
iv. Clean door handles and railings regularly
d. Infrastructure for reception/gift shop area
i. Plexi glass shields have been installed for the front desk/gift shop counter
ii. Cashless non-contact methods of payment (square) will be offered to visitors
iii. Clear signage to direct the flow of visitors
e. Management of symptomatic cases
i. All visitors and staff should “self-screen” for symptoms before coming to the museum. A helpful tool can be found at: https://bc.thrive.health/covid19/en
ii. Any staff or visitor who exhibit signs of a cold, flu or Covid-19 including a cough, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, extreme fatigue must leave the museum immediately
f. Signage indicating museum health and safety measures will be posted throughout the museum, both inside and outside the museum. For example:
i. A top priority is the health and safety of our visitors, volunteers, and staff. To ensure this, we are following guidelines and protocols of the Provincial Health Officer and WorkSafeBC.
ii. At the Gate and again by the front door -Sign that reads: Please refrain from entering the Museum if:
* You have experienced flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days
* You have been in close contact with someone experiencing flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days
* You have travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days
g. “Wayfinding”
i. We will create accessible routes with directional, one-way signage on the floor and posted signage in the exhibit spaces upstairs.
ii. Due to low visitor numbers, and the natural flow of the downstairs main exhibit hall, directional signage will not be provided. However, this will be monitored and re-assessed in the event that visitor numbers increase, or problems are noted.
iii. The employee or volunteer on duty will manage the disinfection of accessibility related devices (entrances, door handles, railings, stair lift, etc.)
5. Communication
a. Make sure that instructions and guidelines are visible onsite.
i. Will have a clear set of visitor policies posted at the front of the museum
b. Make sure that COVID-19 instructions, guidelines and safety measures are available online on the QB Museum website
i. Online bookings will include an acknowledgement of these guidelines for visitors to agree to prior to their visit
c. Have employee or volunteer onsite (front desk) to remind visitors of hygiene and safety procedures as well as safe social distancing protocols
d. Regularly communicate hygiene and public health measures in a clear way.